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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Aircel 3g hack

How many person are here how don’t want to spend money on 3g like me. So, I searching AIRCEL 3G hack. Now I have a 3g hack that i will share with you That 3G hack ok
1st of all have a 3g capable Phone like n95 and aircel sim. Activate 14 or 29 rupee pack of internet. Then send a msg to 121 start 3g. Remember When you activate your internet pack your 3g service should be not activated
Read carefully here a trick
Now connect your phone to your pc or laptop with pc suit and other
connect to internet in 2g mode “don’t in 3g mode”
Then go to the setting select 3g mode of your cell phone to access 3g internet and enjoy broadband speed.
That my aircel 3g hack that I use This aircel 3g hack.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I Love My School

When you give up your school days you fell that something is missing in my life. That is school years that you are finding. You believe that you Love your school days that never come back. You will say i love my school years. But those school day can't be came back.

Monday, May 30, 2011

ExTra ClaSSeS IN SummER vAcaTioN

Extra classes in summer vacation ohhhh. For me its like a bed dream but all things is not in my hand. Summer classes are boring like our teacher and no one like to attend it. But my luck ain't with me. So bye I'm going to attend my summer class

Monday, May 16, 2011

ScArEd OF sChOOl

Every student have that felling. cos' student like me don't done our homework and we afraid from the punishment. So in that way scared from the school but never forget we take a promise that we will never do our homework.
tell me your promises  

Sunday, May 15, 2011

AlWaYs BE HaPpy

Always be happy
In misery not fell sad, cos' every apple when fall some person put it if someone not put it after some time it will make a small tree

Saturday, May 14, 2011

WaNt A TrUe FRiEnd

In school time it is necessary to have a true friend. I have one a true friend.

leave comment which describable your true friend and tell that your friend 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

FiRsT LeSSon Of LOve

First lesson of love
The school give us knowledge of environment and love cos' we start dreaming in the school years. we learn how to love.Taking each other front of sir. Going school together. But the bad thing is the behaviors of the friends.
hence the school years is so so so so necessary for all  if you want to love someone
Tell me your experience